Agricultural graduates set to change lives through sustainable farming
Fifteen graduates from the Marshal Papworth Fund scholarship programme are heading home at the end of their studies in the UK, taking back to their eight home countries sustainable farming skills to help their communities to farm more productively and sustainably, fulfilling the agricultural charity’s vision to help developing countries grow themselves out of hunger.
To date, 184 students have graduated from scholarships funded by the agricultural charity, working across developing countries to overcome issues including food insecurity, poverty and climate change in a sustainable way. Kenyan Peter Ouma, graduating from his MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security at the Royal Agricultural University said: “The scholarship has given all of us the ability to realise dreams that we didn’t think were ever possible. This will enable us to get the step up we need in order to make a real impact on the communities we work with.”
The students, comprising seven from the specially devised 10-week Short Course at Moulton College, and eight studying Masters degrees, graduated from their courses in front of over 80 VIPs at a special “Taste of Africa” drinks reception organized to celebrate their studies. They return home full of inspiration to share their newfound knowledge on a variety of subject areas including soil conservation, biodiversity, livestock management, woodland and wetland conservation, business planning and budgeting. The Masters students will also be completing their dissertations in the coming months. President of the East of England Agricultural Society, The Bishop of Ely Stephen Conway, led the speeches on the presentation evening, reminding the audience of the critical role that agriculture plays in improving livelihoods in Africa.
Marshal Papworth Fund chairman Tom Arthey praised the students for their dedication: “The students have all made great commitments and personal sacrifice to spend time here, away from their families, with the objective of improving their own lives and those of their fellow countrymen. We wish them all well on their return and look forward to hearing the impact of the courses they have completed.”
Representing the Short Course students, Kenyan agricultural extension officer Caroline Andango gave thanks for the opportunity that she and her fellow students have been given: “Marshal Papworth Fund and Moulton College have blessed us with a life changing experience that has enabled us to see and do so much. We will be able to go back home full of practical and sustainable knowledge and ideas for our communities.”
The Marshal Papworth Fund is wholly managed by the East of England Agricultural Society and has already helped improve the lives of over one hundred and eighty students from developing countries through its Masters Programme and 10-week Short Course. In order to continue this work and give more students the opportunity to benefit from its scholarships, the Fund relies on donations. To find out more and to make a donation contact Sandra Lauridsen on 01733 363514 or email slauridsen@eastofengland.org.uk for more information.
Photo: High resolution image available upon request.
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For more information please contact Amy Woolliscroft: amy@artheyassociates.co.uk Arthey Associates.
About Marshal Papworth:
Marshal Papworth is a charity formed in 2001 from funds bequeathed from Marshal Papworth, an East Anglian farmer. It is wholly managed by the East of England Agricultural Society. Through its scholarship programmes the charity develops life changing, land-based skills, enabling students, from developing countries to facilitate sustainable farming within their own communities.