november, 2019

19nov8:00 AM11:30 AMThe Oxford - Cambridge Arc - maximising the opportunities


Event Details

According to the Government, The Oxford-Cambridge Arc “has a unique opportunity to become an economic asset of international standing”, and their ambitious plans for the region will have a major impact on many landowners in the region, whether they are directly affected by the development themselves or can take advantage of the benefits it will bring.

In an informative event, the recognised experts from Fisher German, Roythornes Solicitors and Ellacotts Chartered Accountants will discuss not only the incredible opportunities that may arise, but just as importantly, how to maximise them in the most efficient way possible.

Some of the topics to be covered include:
• What is the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, and how will the plans affect land in the region?
• How to take advantage of land options and promotions, including discussion about how landowners could work together
• The tax treatment of any development plans, how they should be structured and what you can do to maximise tax relief.

This free to attend event is a must for any landowners in the region – whether you see yourself directly taking part in schemes, or simply on the outlying regions, which will also benefit from the project. On top of this, there will be plenty of time to speak to like-minded people and make new contacts with those in a similar position to you.
Please note this is a seminar for landowners rather than their professional advisers.


(Tuesday) 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Wyboston Lakes

The Woodlands Event Centre, Great North Road, Wyboston, MK44 3AL


Roythornes Solicitors, Ellacotts and Fisher German