The East of England Agricultural Society is delighted to be offering the RASC conference Bursary again for the 2018 conference.
This year the event is to take place in Edmonton, Canada and the Society are looking to send 2 next generation members to attend (aged 25-40)
This years conference theme is: “connecting the world through food”
The Conference
The Next Generation Forum takes place in advance of the main conference with representatives hand selected by RASC member societies. They come from over 50 leading national and regional agricultural societies, associations and research bodies working in 20 Commonwealth countries. They are all under 40 years of age and bring a wide range of experiences.
The RASC Next Generation strategic intent is to develop an international network and support system that will foster the collaboration and exchange of ideas between the NG delegation and promote next generation leadership within the RASC and its member societies, much like Cultiv8 but on an international scale!
The main conference promotes and informs on a variety of topics including food security, sustainability and the future of farming at a global level. It also introduces agriculture in Asia and Singapore but also has an agricultural society specific track covering leadership, education and marketing. Further information can be found at www.rasc2018canada.com
Next Generation Conference– 3-5th November
Main Conference– 5-8th November
Applicants must;
- Be aged between 25 and 40 at the time of the conference (requirement for ‘Next Generation’ Conference)
- Be a member of the East of England Agricultural Society.
- Be actively involved in the farming, food or allied industries.
- Provide a report on the experience and present to the society council upon return.
How to apply
Complete the THIS FORM and return it with a written application of no more that 400 words stating your involvement with the East of England Agricultural Society, your background and experience, how you will benefit from the award and how the Society will benefit from supporting you.
The successful applicants will be chosen by a panel appointed by the East of England Agricultural Society. Their decision will be final and the Society reserves the right not to make any award.
Return your applications to RTrolove@EastofEngland.org.uk or Ruth Trolove, East of England Agricultural Society, East of England Showground, Peterborough, PE2 6XE
If you have any questions please use the email address above or call 01733 234451