Here you will find answers to common questions relating to Kids Country.

Who are the events for?

Teachers and educators that want access to out of classroom teaching in a stimulating and accessible environment. Key Stage 1 and 2 children will benefit from a learning experience that is hands-on and follows strong rural themes with measurable learning outcomes.

How much do the events cost?

Events are £4.80 per child including VAT.

How do I book places?

Our events are open to all schools in the East of England region, and must be booked through a teacher. Booking is essential for all our events as they quickly become full. You can book up to one year ahead for as many events as you like, so please make sure you reserve places for your pupils as soon as possible. Contact the Kids Country team here.

Can Kids Country come to my school?

Absolutely! We are delighted to be supporting many more schools with delivering directly in-school events; these can be something we have tried and tested before, like our Autumn Apples our Breakfast events, or something brand new to help support your curriculum. With a new dedicated Kids Country van being purchased in 2023 , it will mean it is even easier for us to come direct to schools across Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire to  reach even more primary school children with our field-to-fork events. We’re really excited! Please contact us to find out more.

Meeting real people who are in the field of food and farming, spending time and learning from the experts, the importance of, and how to grow, our own food, and much, much more.

Bridge Junior School