Bees have children buzzing with excitement

By 19th September 2018News

Bees have children buzzing with excitement

This year over 300 children from schools in and around Peterborough attended the East of England Showground as part of the Kids Country initiative to learn all about Bees.  In Partnership with the Peterborough & District Beekeepers Association and Central England Co-operative, we educated children on the importance of the honey bee and the significant role bees play in our environment.

In small classroom sessions, children sit down with real beekeepers to learn about the honey bee. The children are taught how to identify the different types of bees, how honey is made and what we can do to protect and help the bees. They then get the chance to taste a variety of honey, including Kids Country honey.

Buzzing for bees

But not all education happens in the classroom! The Kids Country outdoor Education Area is buzzing with life thanks to its bug hotel, dragonfly pond, and hidden in a little corner, the bee hives! From the safety of a purpose built observatory, the children experience the hives being opened in front of their eyes, glancing inside to see how bees store honey, protect their queen and watch bees working together in a happy colony.

Sandra Lauridsen, Education Manager for Kids Country, said: “It’s important to inspire children to love nature. Learning about the wonderful honey bee helps children understand the crucial role they play in our environment and observing bees in their natural environment gives the next generation a new fondness for the buzzing pollinators. Each school leaves wanting to make the world a bee friendly place.”

Next year, we’re looking forward to the addition of a bee-autiful wild flower meadow in our Outdoor Education Area. Children will have the opportunity sprinkle and sow seeds that will blossom into a valuable food source for bees, butterflies and other beneficial pollinators. Children will also have the option to explore the new Kids Country willow maze and follow a bee trail to learn more bee facts along the way.

We’re already taking bookings for 2019 so please contact Amna Afzal on 01733 363512 to secure your school a place.