Peterborough school children celebrate being environmentally friendly at PECT Eco Awards!
Celebrating the 10th annual Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) Eco Awards, PECT joined forces with local education programme, Kids Country, to deliver a day of environmentally friendly activities for nine local primary schools, culminating in the presentation of school eco projects and the much anticipated awards ceremony.
Nine schools from across Peterborough and the surrounding area attended the day to present their environmental projects to Eco Awards sponsors Skanska, Asda, Kids Country, Durman Stearn Civil Engineering Ltd, PGR Construction, Dalrod, Aggregate Industries and Emneth Construction.
The schools that took part in the day and in preparing eco projects over the last year were: Orton Wistow Primary, St John’s Church School, Hampton Hargate Primary, Middleton Primary, Heltwate School, The Beeches Primary, Southfields Primary, St Augustine’s Junior and Dogsthorpe Academy. These projects centred on key themes including sustainable materials, zero carbon, land use and wildlife, zero waste, sustainable transport and health and happiness, which made up the Eco Charter Achievements, a key part of the awards presented.
PECT Environmental Education Officer, Heidi Latronico, said: “This is the 10th year of our Eco Awards and the first that we have joined up with Kids Country for; by working together we have been able to create a more hands on experience for all of the amazing schools involved which will mean these school children go home with an even better understanding of being environmentally friendly. Everyone put so much effort into their projects, but special mentions should go to the joint winners of our Eco Flag Award – The Beeches Primary and St Augustine’s Primary – as this award involves a commitment to at least five of our eco themes over two years.
“Through our partnerships and the links that Kids Country has locally, we have been able to welcome the Peterborough and District Beekeepers Association, Vivacity, Monarch Farm and Nene Park Trust to deliver really experiential workshops for the children this morning.
Heidi continued: “This afternoon the children presented the eco projects that they have been working on to our partners and sponsors; we have all been so impressed by the work that the children put into these projects, and hope that they take the principles home with them.”
Sandra Lauridsen, Education Manager for Kids Country, The East of England Agricultural Society’s education arm, said: “We are so pleased to have been able to team up with PECT this year for their Eco Awards; the work that the schools involved have put into making their schools a more environmentally friendly place is truly inspirational and we look forward to continuing this work with PECT.”
Full award results
Eco Charter Achievement – Sustainable Materials: Middleton Primary and Southfields Primary
Eco Charter Achievement – Zero Carbon: St Augustine’s School
Eco Charter Achievement – Land Use and Wildlife: Dogsthorpe Academy and Middleton Primary
Eco Charter Achievement – Zero Waste: Hampton Hargate Primary, Orton Wistow Primary, Southfields Primary and St Augustine’s Primary
Eco Charter Achievement – Sustainable Transport: Orton Wistow Primary
Eco Charter Achievement – Health and Happiness: Dogsthorpe Academy, Middleton Primary, St John’s Church School and The Beeches Primary
Eco Flag Awards (for completing five of the eco themes in the last two years): St Augustine’s Primary and The Beeches Primary
Student Choice Award for Schools: Southfields Primary
The Kids Country Special Award: Dogsthorpe Academy
Skanska Special Award: St Augustine’s Primary
Eco Factor: The Beeches Primary
Eco Ambassador: Yara from The Beeches Primary